dene - ορισμός. Τι είναι το dene
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Τι (ποιος) είναι dene - ορισμός

Dene Nation; Dénés; Denes; Dene people; Dené
  • Gahwié got’iné, a Sahtú (North Slavey) people of Canada

dene1 [di:n]
(also dean)
¦ noun [usu. in place names] Brit. a deep, narrow, wooded valley.
OE denu, of Gmc origin; related to den.
dene2 [di:n]
¦ noun dialect a bare sandy tract or low sandhill by the sea.
ME: perh. of Gmc origin and related to dune.
The Dene people () are an indigenous group of First Nations who inhabit the northern boreal and Arctic regions of Canada. The Dene speak Northern Athabaskan languages.
['d?ne?, 'd?ni]
¦ noun (plural same)
1. a member of a group of American Indian peoples of the Canadian North-West and Alaska.
2. any of the Athabaskan languages of the Dene.
from Fr. Dene, from an Athabaskan word meaning 'people'.



The Dene people () are an indigenous group of First Nations who inhabit the northern boreal and Arctic regions of Canada. The Dene speak Northern Athabaskan languages. Dene is the common Athabaskan word for "people". The term "Dene" has two usages. More commonly, it is used narrowly to refer to the Athabaskan speakers of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut in Canada, especially including the Chipewyan (Denesuline), Tlicho (Dogrib), Yellowknives (T'atsaot'ine), Slavey (Deh Gah Got'ine or Deh Cho), and Sahtu (the Eastern group in Jeff Leer's classification; part of the Northwestern Canada group in Keren Rice's classification). However, it is sometimes also used to refer to all Northern Athabaskan speakers, who are spread in a wide range all across Alaska and northern Canada. The Southern Athabaskan speakers, however, also refer to themselves by similar words: Diné (Navajo) and Indé (Apache).

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για dene
1. About 400 members of the Lutsel K‘e Dene tribe live there.
2. The Dene have lived in the region for at least 7,000 years, they say.
3. She almost automatically, reflexively complies Thomas Dene psychologist The decision was taken in light of evidence suggesting she had thought she was following orders and acting correctly.
4. At least one of those detained is from the Wood Dene estate in Peckham where the shooting took place.
5. They wore masks along with Malasi as they raided the party on the Wood Dene Estate in Peckham, south London, to rob guests.